Welcome Laurynas Karvelis @ Explosive Brains Ltd.


Backend Javascript development contract services for various sizes of businesses ranging from corporations to startups.
Get recent CV here.

    stack: {
        dev: [ nodejs, serverless, rest, ws, http2 ],
        persistence: [ postgresql, dynamodb, mongodb, influxdb ],
        queuing: [ sqs, sns, kinesis, rabbitmq, redis ],
        testing: [ jest, ava, supertest ],
        code_style: [ prettier, eslint ]
    versioning: [ git, bitbucket, github, gitlab ],
    ci_cd: [ docker + bitbucket pipelines ],
    tools: [ systemd, shell scripting, '/dev/ttyACM0' ],
    w3c: [ json_schema, html5, sass | less | css ],
    i18n: [ asm, c, cpp, php, java, js, sh ],
    port443: [ nginx, apache ]

Personal life

Main life objective - self actualization.

    main: [epistomology, psychology, philosophy, theology, science, politics],
    localhost: [arch_linux, i3wm, intelliJ, qutebrowser],
    altitude: [fpv & quadcopters, betaflight],
    other_joys: [electronics, carpentry, wood_work]
